Who hasn’t been fascinated with the legend of Loch Ness and its “Loch Ness Monster.” When I was younger, I wanted so badly to believe that this mysterious creature existed. It seemed like there were always updates about possible sightings. It was a tug of war between imagination and scientific fact…..but it kept the Loch Ness monster in the media for all these years. There was no way I was going to go to Scotland and miss seeing the lake, Loch Ness! On a misty day, we drove to the breathtaking area of the Scottish Highlands of Inverness. The lake was vast and water was calm. I was standing at Loch Ness as an adult —but remembering the curiosity I had a a child about this place.
My kids played along with me and pretended to be looking for “Nessie” as the Scots call her. If you like cold and misty weather, you’ll LOVE Scotland! My husband loves this kind of weather–me, not so much! So a hoodie was useful and necessary wherever we went. If you can go to Scotland in the summer, the highlands will be bright green.
Read about the legend of the Loch Ness monster. This is detailed and thorough information about its history on the link below.

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