In Southern Spain, we had a scrumptious meal of paella and sangria. Nothing said “welcome to Espana!” quite like the pairing of paella and wine. The presentation of it was perfect. Fresh from the sea and perfectly symmetrical in its design. We were beachfront in Marbella (Mar-bae-ya) with sea breezes and sweet sangria. I have made paella before but I must admit, it’s much better when it’s served to you with a Spanish band strolling nearby!
Paella isn’t impossible to make. It’s just time consuming.
Sangria is a refreshing specialty drink to serve at parties. There are so many versions of sangria. When I’ve just experimented on the spot with sangria ingredients, it ironically turns out to be the one my guests will enjoy the most!
The paella recipe I made was from a Williams-Sonoma entertainment guide book.
Sangria combinations just depend on my mood. A pitcher of sangria sure looks festive on a buffet table or dinner table. Pair it with chips and guacamole and that’s one colorful appetizer centerpiece going on!