Memphis– Home of the Blues

Memphis, Tennesee, also known as “home of the blues”, is a treasure of Americana that beckons music lovers, Elvis fans and people who crave excitement. Flavorful and musical, Memphis is full of entertainment whether you’re a couple or a family. East of Memphis, you can find the Loretta Lynn Museum.

Loretta Lynn Museum and Grounds
Loretta Lynn Museum and Grounds

The grounds, mansion, doll museum, re-created Butcher Holler home, coal mine tour and dude ranch were impressive. The memorabilia inside the museum included Loretta’s actual tour bus, vehicles used in the movie Coal Miner’s Daughter and a living room re-creation of her Nashville home.

recreated Butcher Holler home
recreated Butcher Holler home
Loretta Lynn's mansion
Loretta Lynn’s mansion


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thumb_IMG_0201_1024The Peabody Hotel and march of the ducks is a historic Memphis tradition worth seeing. The Peabody hotel is ornate and luxurious. It is said that Elvis signed his first recording contract there. If you go to see the famous ducks, you need to go at 11:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m. to watch the procession.img_3649

Peabody Hotel
Peabody Hotel

At 11:00 a.m. the ducks are escorted down the elevator and into the fountain they swim in until 4:00-5:00 p.m. At that time, crowds have gathered for drinks and desserts to await the announcer and procession. Boldly and proudly, the announcer retells the story of the Peabody ducks tradition before he marches them up the elevator to their rooftop “duck palace” habitat. I don’t want to spoil the story in case you go there. It’s a great example of how innovation, whimsy and creativity can lead to a treasured tradition!

the march of the ducks
the march of the ducks
drinks at the Peabody Hotel
drinks at the Peabody Hotel

Barbecue is another Memphis specialty. Memphis is barbecue country and within Beale Street area alone, you can sample either “wet” or “dry” barbecue. Charles Vergos Rendezvouz features a dry rub barbecue while Blues City Cafe masters the “wet” barbecue which is saucy and not a rub.Memphis BBQ

Beale Street is an exciting area of neon signs, honky tonks and blues taverns. Visually stunning! On a brick road, where no cars are allowed, you are transported back to a time of B.B. King,  Jerry Lee Lewis and many more musicians. What country music is to Nashville, “blues” is to Memphis.  From the rooftop bar of Alfred’s on B.B. King Boulevard, you can people watch the crowd below and have a great view of horse drawn carriages, acrobats and street performers. On one night, there was a Vespa scooter gathering because of  a national convention going on and the next night….

Vespa convention
Vespa convention

….we saw a zombie parade of kids and adults walking up the entire Beale Street area to raise money for charity.

zombie parade
zombie parade

The soul of Beale street was apparent to me when I saw a young woman run out into the street when it started raining. Dancing in the rain and literally letting her hair down (from her ponytail), she was oblivious and totally in the moment.thumb_SAM_2296_1024

A little while later, a couple danced as the man twirled and dipped his lady while the rest of us sat under the awnings of our bars enjoying the scenes.thumb_SAM_2309_1024

A. Schwab store and museum is an interesting store with a soda fountain, vintage bar and small museum inside. A broad range of items ranging from hats galore, masks,  gift items and even incense and oils were available in the store.thumb_IMG_0388_1024



thumb_IMG_0358_1024Graceland, Elvis’s home, is the “King’s castle” in the way that it celebrates his royalty and heyday. Our VIP tour at 10:30 a.m. started even earlier because of their efficiency in accommodating all of the ticket-holders. Graceland has stayed authentic in its decor and the tour guides informed us that Lisa Marie and family even dine there in the dining room, on occasional visits.

There’s a chapel on the grounds which stays busy with weddings and vow-renewals  all year long. We learned many more details about Elvis (than what you hear in pop culture trivia)  by touring his mansion, museum and grounds.

living room at Graceland
living room at Graceland



Elvis's costumes
Elvis’s costumes


Memphis was truly entertaining, informative and a great way to connect to the soulful Tennessee character.

photos by Gina

For stories about international destinations and family trips, click on the link below for the travel book : A Magic Carpet Ride. $12 on Amazon.

Follow this lesson plan to build trip itineraries with your family:

Travel Lesson Plan: Integrate the Concepts


My artistic, exquisite and adventurous  sister-in-law went to Africa a few years ago for a trip she dreamed of for a long time. I remember her passion beforehand in the planning of the journey and afterwards as she and her husband regaled us with stories of their adventures. The exotic adventures and deep reflection of their journey there makes it a perfect interview for the spirit of the blog. I’ve enjoyed traveling with my in-laws and sister-in-law, specifically, to some unique destinations. Her love for animals is apparent in her penetrating photos.

What inspired you to travel to Kenya (and later Tanzania)?

When I was a young girl, I had dreams as big as Africa. I dreamed of a world lost in time, windswept plains as wide as my little arms could spread, rhythms, drumbeats, the cradle of civilzation, the heartbeat of the world. I longed to someday hear the pounding hooves of the wildebeest migration, glimpse an elephant herd, see majestic giraffe grace their way across a golden savannah, feel myself tucked in at night by an endless blanket of stars. I dreamed as only a child can. Decades later, those dreams would come true.thumb_unspecified-3_1024

Where did you find this trip?

Through Extraordinary Journeys, an award winning travel outfitter with outstanding personal service.
I had long hoped for a chance to interact with an indigenous tribe; to photograph and experience a culture vastly different from my own; and to go on safari. Through this outfitter I became aware of an extraordinary foundation that works with very remote communities of in Kenya in an effort to build sustainable models of education and basic needs. It is not a model of charity, but rather self-reliance. It’s a model that appeals to me. And the trip also included a safari. It was a perfect fit.1266655_10200887399561644_1457120430_o

What was the name of the foundation?

Under the Acacia

What did your trip itinerary involve?

The itinerary included a taste of Nairobi, a safari, time in the bush with a Maasai tribe, and downtime on the beaches of Zanzibar. We traveled by jet…slicing silently through the sunset over the Sahara; bush plane…buzzing zebra of the dirt landing strip before landing; safari jeep across the vast, open savannah…encountering lion, elephant, cheetah, giraffe, hyena, wildebeest, among a vast array of wild animals.thumb_unspecified-6_1024

Tell me more about your experience with the Maasai community:

Under threatening skies in an open safari jeep, we traversed rutted dirt roads and undulating savannah with Under the Acacia founder Jess Teutonico and Country Director Joseph Koyie to a remote Maasai community uncharted by tourists. After many hours, we arrived at an outpost that housed one of the two schools Under the Acacia had built. The Loita Maasai community, including chiefs, elders, mamas, warriors, and students greeted us in song and dance. In oral tradition they sang the history of their tribe, danced out the victories of warriors, and presented us with a goat as a gift of gratitude and kindness. After a most incredible day we left just before sunset, as the first raindrops fell and an enormous rainbow crowned the horizon.

We spent the following day at Esoit Academy, also build by Under the Acacia, where we were once again feted with chanting, song and dance, and a community feast. We were greeted with a warmth that I carry in my heart to this day. The dazzling smiles and infectious joy of the Maasai resonated throughout the day. We were given piece after piece of beautiful beaded jewelry made by the tribal women. We were honored by being “married” to the tribe, with rings of hide from a freshly slaughtered goat slipped over our fingers.thumb_unspecified-1_1024

We were uniquely immersed in a pocket of a culture that still largely live as they have for centuries, retaining the social structures, customs, and rituals. As they have for centuries, this tribe of Maasai lives remotely in mud bomas (houses) and manyattas (compound) scattered across their herding lands. Young boys play and herd livestock. Older boys on the path to manhood endure a painful circumcision ceremony before become tribal warriors. Girls fetch water and learn cooking, milking, hut building and other domestic skills. The children we met are the first of their tribe to ever attend school. They long for formal education and most walk several hours to school and back daily, grateful for the opportunity.

To be given such a personal and unique glimpse into this fascinating, ancient culture was an honor and privilege beyond my dreams.

How would you describe the perfect Kenyan meal?

I don’t know what the perfect Kenyan meal is, but I can tell you about one of the most extraordinary meal experiences of my life. The Maasai are semi-nomadic pastoralists. Their measure of wealth is their children and livestock. In celebration of our visit cattle and goats were slaughtered for a huge tribal meal.

The men were in charge of the feast. There was no building or kitchen, no cooking or eating utensils, just a cool grove of trees, one big pot for boiling potatoes and machetes used to hack the fresh slaughter into large pieces. The meat was laid out on fresh green leaves newly stripped out of nearby trees. In a small clearing red-hot coals filled a fire-pit. Big slabs of meat were skewered onto green wood sticks and planted next to the glowing embers. As the potatoes boiled and the meat slowly roasted, we were feted with song and dance by the tribal children and mamas.

What excursion do you most recommend?

A safari in the Masai Mara National Reserve. Contiguous with the Serengeti (Tanzania), the Mara is a lush, sweeping savannah rising to a high plateau, as well as woodland along the banks of the Mara River. The Mara teems with wildlife and is most famous for its big cats and wildebeest migration. For the richest experience, arrange for a private safari guide who lives and breathes the rhythm of the Mara daily. Our guide was Joseph Koyie, a former Maasai warrior and a current leader of his tribe. His vast knowledge and passion led us to extraordinary sightings that frame my love for this raw and beautiful land, including:

A large pod of elephants gracefully crossed a quiet river one soft morning, letting the babies play and tumble in the cool water before marching on…

Another family of elephants in the middle of the endless grasslands that encircled their young to form a barrier against an approaching lioness…

A lion pride mere feet away from our safari jeep that cooed and preened their cubs, which crawled across their mothers, nibbling at their ears…thumb_unspecified-9_1024

A freshly discarded  wildebeest carcass, abandoned by lions and devoured by vultures in a frenzy of blood lust…

A sea of wildebeest and zebra painting a surreal landscape across the plateau…

A zebra mother who brayed piteously on the banks of the BBC crossing after her offspring was taken before our eyes by a monstrous and terrifying crocodile …

A lilac-breasted roller, a bird that is a kaleidoscope of color that exploded from the golden waves of grass…

A days-old baby elephant hiding beneath the canopy of its mother…

Giraffes galloping across the plains in slow-sway elegance …


The sky radiating pink and gold as it set beyond the Mara as we sipped sundowners on the escarpment…

And that is just a tiny taste of the wonders of the wild, majestic splendors of this extraordinary region.

What other excursions do you recommend?

In Nairobi, don’t miss the Daphne Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage and the AFEW Giraffe Centre and nearby Giraffe Manor. I recommend fostering an elephant before traveling. You will have a chance to meet your adoptee at the orphanage at a special time reserved just for donors. It is a touching experience you will never forget.thumb_unspecified-8_1024

What lodge do you recommend?

Olanona Lodge, …a beautiful, luxurious, “traditional tented safari camp located on a private stretch of the Mara River at the foot of the impressive Siria Escarpment, close to where the famous last scene from Out of Africa was filmed.”

We also stayed at the stunning Olarro Camp with its expansive vistas of the Mara

Describe the vibe of the culture.

What I encountered were happy, embracing people everywhere, full of life and effervescent smiles. Proud, dignified, gracious.

What did you learn about yourself on this trip?

Travel liberates one from bias. It gives one perspective and opens the mind and heart. At least, that’s what it does for me. This trip was no exception. Traveling to Africa was the culmination of a lifetime of dreams and passions. Kenya was real, raw, unpolished, unedited, and breathtakingly beautiful. Though my dreams of Africa were always as big as the Mara sky, this journey exceeded what I could have imagined.

I was totally and blissfully immersed, baptized in Africa.12236502_10206134354132229_1328264236_o

Photos by Sophia Litchfield

Vintage Fashion at ReRuns!

People get their “fix” in a different ways. One of my favorite hobbies is vintage fashion shopping. ReRuns in KC’s eclectic Westport district is religiously on my route. Because there’s new displays frequently, here’s an update  on the selections.SAM_2041I’m always on the lookout for accessories..these bags have so much purse-a-nality!SAM_2054Not to be redundant….because I’ve said it before—but vintage items are made with such high quality!!!SAM_2060Next  year, I’ll have to remember to buy a glamorous clutch for a girl’s graduation gift! Wouldn’t that be unique??  Necklaces are fun to layer…..SAM_2063

I saw this poncho and loved its colorfulness.SAM_2045

A beaded bag like this—-makes me go weak in the knees! So darling!SAM_2062

Ooooh la aaaa—–jewelry and clutches!SAM_2064

Something for the men….SAM_2058ReRuns never disappoints. The treasures they seem to excavate—this is MY kind of archaeology! This is the be all and end all of all vintage purses. Fit for the traveler, especially. Wait until you see what this purse can do. The proprietor, Ken Coit, knows what I need…..IMG_9174

Open it up and look what pulls out…..The individual pouches organize your traveling needs. Gives me goosebumps ….and caters to the organizational tendencies.

passports, tickets, currency
passports, tickets, currency

IMG_9173I love a purse with “feet.” (the brass tabs that stand a purse up.) The lining and compartments in these vintage bags are in perfect shape, too! The passports/currency/tickets pouch pulls up but not all the way out, so that’s even better because you won’t lose it! Reminds me of airport-chic  days.IMG_9172I can’t wait to actually use this new bag on a future trip! IMG_9153

Re-Runs in KC’s Westport is for sale. Contact info (Ken Coit) on this website.

A Passion for Fashion –Vintage Style

The Road Less Travelled By

Discovering “gems” when you’re a tourist  is one of the perks of travelling. There’s a chemistry that happens when you’re in relaxation mode and you allow yourself to be drawn to certain buildings or landmarks. Sometimes the things you find inside are not just items, merchandise or implements but history, culture, artifacts and hopefully, someone’s passion! Re-Runs is a fabulous vintage store in the Westport district of Kansas City.  The “vintage apparel and accessories of distinction” store is a destination I love to get lost in each time I go there. My husband and sons have become fans of it, too. Men can find suits, cowboy boots, bolo ties, hats, ties, jewelry, etc….and kids can find great outfits for theme parties. Women can find hats, purses, jewelry, clothing, fur coats, sunglasses, etc.  My youngest son found retro items and I find something there each time I go.

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It’s like a walk into the past….a clothing museum, per se! Back to a time when fashion was about artistry. Vintage clothing is timeless. It’s structure stands the test of time, usually. Back in the 80’s, when most teens were wearing name brand clothing,  my friend and I used to go to the flea market and vintage shops. We loved cat-eye glasses, army jackets, velvet dresses, etc. A red satin vintage dress came in handy for a wedding….and was sure to not be duplicated. I like how this pink dress below captures the movement in it—and of it’s era.IMG_8333

At Re-Runs, there is a fun tradition called “Spin the Wheel”, where a customer can spin to see what discount percentage they won. I have been very lucky doing this!


I interviewed Ken Coit, the proprietor of Re-Runs. He was articulate and knowledgable about this subject and I was fascinated with the history of his passion for vintage clothing.FullSizeRender 7

IMG_8369Where do you acquire most of your items…..the Kansas City area?

In general, the midwest—-mostly Kansas City and surrounding cities. I go through people’s attics and basements, at their invitation, when they inherit an estate…estate sales, thrift stores, ….always building the collections. I also buy online when I find a good deal.IMG_8345

IMG_8336What is the most valuable thing you acquired?

I honestly don’t know. Based on past experience, I determine prices but I may have something that may be quite valuable because there’s so many things to know. When you have a general sort of merchandise like I do, you can be an expert on a certain style and still not know it all.  It’s hard to say. Occasionally, we get some couture pieces  from the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s –but we sell them substantially lower than they would in L.A.

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IMG_8351Would you say there was a “heyday” era for Kansas City? or has it been consistent?

What is available has changed. 30 years ago, when I started this, I was buying 40’s and 50’s items all the time in good condition.  Now it’s rare and we’re buying a lot more 60’s-80’s.

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IMG_8367Tulsa, in the early 1900’s, was the oil capital of the world…a time of swagger and then later, the art deco era (1920’s). Was it the same  for Kansas City?

The 40’s and 50’s–that was the prime era of interesting clothing for Kansas City as well as most midsized,  midwestern towns where we had a thriving downtown at that point. There were wonderful, individually owned department stores that were competing with each other for the best goods. I would say, that’s probably the best time for fashion and maybe into the 60’s when people really paid attention to their outfits and had everything matching.IMG_8355


IMG_8350This top below is one of my favorite items I bought at Re-Runs a few  years ago… ivory and ice blue.


Writer’s side note: I learned what “boot poodles” are! They are inserts that keep the boots’ shape.

boot poodles
boot poodles


This gown is  a Bob Mackie! IMG_8364

This particular purse was not only wonderfully unique but also in amazing condition inside!IMG_8363

IMG_8359What inspired you to start this vintage clothing business?

It began as a means to make extra spending money for medical school. I began by sharing a booth at a weekend flea market with a young lady that I met at a garage sale. She left after a year so I decided to forge on and eventually left my professional job and decided to do retail. It’s a great business to have. As Robert Frost says, “……that made all the difference”. FullSizeRender 4

Writer’s side note : I found it interesting and serendipitous that the owner quoted Robert Frost in his background information about what inspired him to start his business. What a perfect quote for an article on a travel and culture blog! “IMG_8341

 Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference.”– Robert Frost


Porter Peach Festival

The Porter Peach Festival is an annual family tradition for us. No matter how hot it is every July, we still can’t resist going to this sweet festival. Not too far out of Tulsa, we arrived at Porter and enjoyed peach cobbler ala mode and the parade of all things Porter Peaches.thumb_IMG_0585_1024All kinds of booths are represented at this festival—businesses, pies, funnel cakes, wind chimes, dream catchers,  tattoos, clothes and more. Inflatables and pony rides are in the “kids zone” as well as feeding the camel!thumb_IMG_0602_1024

thumb_IMG_0591_1024Apparently, camels like taking “selfies”, too.Porter 2


We learned about super strength wind chimes–hoping to find out if they scare birds and squirrels away from gardens!thumb_IMG_0583_1024

Bands, barbecues and a pageant were all on the agenda!thumb_IMG_0578_1024

thumb_IMG_0598_1024thumb_IMG_0597_1024thumb_IMG_0568_1024The houses and buildings in Porter have that old charm. The friendly neighbor saw us admiring her garden and camper and came outside to chat with us.thumb_Porter 9_1024thumb_IMG_0581_1024The parade usually starts at 11:00 a.m. but we headed to the orchard to buy our pecks of peaches there and some huge watermelons, too! You have to eat your cobbler and ice cream quickly because it melts in the hot sun.Porter 12Where else can you find apple butter, bushels and pecks of peaches, veggies, fruits, cake batter AND a parade and festival going on?thumb_IMG_0559_1024

Every year, when we return from the peach festival, we cut up the peaches to make cobbler and pies to serve with vanilla ice cream later that night with family. Annually, I try a different peach recipe from the internet. For us, mid-July, we always look forward to our peaches ‘n cream!

Check the website below for festival, parade and orchard details.


The Embodiment of Joy- A journey through Comic Con

I knew my lovely and dynamic friend for awhile before I discovered that she was involved in the Comic Con hobby, passion and adventures. I was so intrigued by this since I only knew her in the capacity of church volunteering and leadership. She defines effervescence and has the most contagious laugh. I really admire so many things about her and especially, most recently, her journey down the path of comic conventions and her perseverance to make her own elaborate costumes. To me, Rachel’s superpowers are her friendliness, convictions and loyalty. She’s perfect for Gypsy Family Travel journeys!

What inspired you to get involved with Comic Con?

My husband and I went to two Comic Cons here in town when we first started dating. The next few years we didn’t go because of life and other things that happen.  In 2013, my best friend in Wichita sent me a text saying, ” Wil Wheaton is going to be in Kansas City in April at Planet Comic Con!” I told her we needed a road trip and that if we were going to go, we are going to dress up one day. She helped me make a costume and one for herself.

You can attend without wearing a costume?

Absolutely! I would say it’s about 10-20% who wear costumes and everyone else is in jeans and t-shirts. More and more people are starting to dress up.


I thought that’s how you enter—by wearing a costume…?

A lot of it is celebrity guests that people want to meet. They are on their favorite shows or movies. That’s a big draw. There are panels on different topics ranging from how to get started in cosplay and prosthetics to crowd funding to giving back to the community.  You get to hear them talk and ask them questions and hear them talk about their backgrounds. There’s also vendors –all kinds of geeky things—glasses etched with your favorite characters, t-shirts, posters, 3-D printing of yourself, and artists’ alley: independent artists, writers, comic book writers who are self-promoting in an industry that used to be hard to get into. Comic Cons have gotten larger in the last 10-15 years. Artists find independent markets to promote themselves and feature their work.

Is it in every major city?

It depends. There’s a big circuit called Wizard World. It tours the country and people travel from city to city but some artists stay local. There’s Tulsa Comic Expo in May and SoCon which is a one day event in September and Wizard World will be here in October . There are a couple in OKC which are 1-2 day events. There’s Tokyo of Tulsa in July  which is focused on anime.

Explain anime.

Anime is a stylistic animation that comes out of Japan. It’s Japanese-inspired but not done by only Japanese artists, now. It’s a different type of comic than Superman or Batman.

Would you say the inspiration for getting involved is a variety of self-expressions, fantasy of comic books and super powers?

It’s the uniqueness of it and the super powers.

Why are you into it? What are your observations? Is it your talent  in making the costumes? What does it feel like to walk in when you’re the participant? I was in dance for 10 years so I imagine it’s similar to a stage experience.

When I’m in plain clothes, it is to watch artists and vendors. 1 of the 3 days of the convention, I check out all the vendors to soak it in. When I’m in character, I’m on display. It’s really interesting with the costuming because some people do it to challenge themselves artistically with building a costume….to see what they can build. This was the first year I made my costumes myself. I was Joy from Inside Out. I have a really strong connection to that character. When you have someone come up to you and say, “IT”S JOY!! or “Oh my GOD, I LOVE YOUR OUTFIT”; they want that experience. That’s what it’s like when they meet your character. (like people feel at Disneyworld). They want to talk to you and know how you make your props.

They want to absorb your passion?

They do! They want that experience. It’s a very different creative process than what you think it is.

Shera with Spock
Shera with Spock

So does Rachel fade away and become invisible when you become Joy? Is that what you try to do through dress up?

That’s what I try to do….not 100% of the time. When you call my name when I’m in costume, I probably won’t turn around. But I can hear someone across an entire convention floor yell “It’s Joy!” and I’ll turn around and see them waving to me. It’s an amazing experience.  You’re ON. You’re turning yourself on to be this character and portray it.

What’s been your favorite costume to wear or make?

Joy. Last year my friend Teresa Marler of CosplayOK made my costumes. Shera was a costume everyone loved and it was my favorite costume then. She made me Shera, Jessica Rabbit and Abby from NCIS. For Shera, her husband Jeremy made me a fantastic sword and headdress.  People pulled me aside in Portland to take pictures of that outfit. rachelI took Joy for the first time to Portland. I started Feb 1 and finished Feb. 16. It was the first time I ever sewed for myself, made resin, electrical wiring…. I wanted the dress to glow so I sewed rice lights into the crinoline of my dress. I thought, “how can I make these orbs glow?” My friend’s husband sent me information on LED lights and another friend told me about an electronic store on Admiral. So we tested one to see how long they’ll run on battery. I wanted a fractured look. (Rachel showed me the resin mixture and orbs) I had to carry these around for 8 hours.thumb_IMG_9627_1024

How did you know to put resin in it?

I didn’t. My friend sent me a link about making jewels and using epoxy. I had never worked with epoxy before. Every red flag was going off in my head. We poured it to see how it was going to happen. I was a little prepared because the reference material had said you could use vaseline as a release. By putting in vaseline coated boxes, I created recesses for the battery packs. Epoxy is a two part solution and is very sticky as it hardens.thumb_IMG_9629_1024


Who was the originator for the Comic Con idea?

In the 1930’s or ’40’s, a prolific science fiction writer and her significant other (or husband, can’t remember) started dressing in costumes and went out together in cos-play. Cos-play is a snigglet for ” costume play.”

What was your most favorite costume to see on someone else?

A beach-Ariel (Little Mermaid) in burlap. Neelix from Start Trek Voyager in a face mask and suit was cool.

What’s the furthest you’ve traveled for comic conventions?

Portland and Philadelphia.

What’s the youngest your son was when he traveled with you? How has this experience influenced him?

He was six years old. He loves super heroes and was able to meet his idol, Stan Lee (the creator of Marvel Comics). I always look up the FAQ’s and dress codes of the conventions and choose the family friendly ones since my son attends with me.thumb_12938159_10154090708409723_5872512165726221660_n_1024

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen at the conventions ? Controversial? crazy? hilarious? coolest?

Michael J. Fox did a panel in Philadelphia. He has a wicked sense of humor. It takes him longer to get out the words now but that was the coolest thing I’ve seen. Kevin Smith was in KC.  You expect funny stories but there’s really pearls of wisdom and life experiences that’s applicable to everything else in life. Sometimes you meet random people and talk for hours after having a connection from a show. You talk about something and it leads to other conversations…

If you’re that creative and expressive then I think that aura happens when you get together….that wisdom is going to be there because you’re among non-conformists and free spirits.

I don’t want to say they’re outspoken but they’re not afraid of voicing their opinions.

Like you! 🙂

Oh! hahaha…. I have opinions, I don’t always voice them. (long laughter here between us).

I saw a Steampunk Convention once in Denver when we were there for an oratorical regional competition. We didn’t know what was going on at first! We saw panels, vendors, etc. Steampunk fascinates me because it’s so historically time-specific. Have you been? Is it literature based?

No, I haven’t…but it’s mixed into Comic Con. I saw Steampunk Belle and Beast costumes that were really cute. Imagine a world running off steam and coal power instead of gas and fuel.

To watch uninhibited free spirits, you could sense their real personas fading away as they express themselves more boldly through their characters. I bet their after-parties are crazy fun.

I’ve only been to one. I stayed in my Joy costume so that made it fun. No one is closed off or super rude. Everyone is open to you and kind. They ask questions and share ideas and collaborate.

As a mom of a little boy, you got into this early whereas some moms wait until later to express their passions and hobbies. Is it therapeutic to put the other Rachel roles aside and be Rachel the Artist?

It’s not stress free—-the costuming. When I started making my own costumes, I realized that I didn’t pay Teresa enough!

I’ve experienced that feeling on a Greek costume I designed with someone a long time ago.

I love the results I get out of it but it’s not stress free!

The admission prices, travel expenses and registration must get expensive….but it’s your vacation, though, right?

It adds up but you can buy a 3 day pass. At Wizard World, it’s $80 for a 3-day event in St. Louis…so that’s less than an amusement park and I get to meet incredible people and hear them speak.

It’s community building, too, and you are seeing people do something positive! They are carving out a niche!

Yes. And some of  the autograph fees and photobooth fees get donated to charity.  An artist in Kansas City donated all of his fees to community gardening.

Where is the convention center in KC?

Bartle Hall is the convention center in the Power and Light district of KC.

What do you want to share with us about this experience?

Cosplay and Comic Con really promote and talk about body positivity and acceptance no matter who you are,  what you look like or what’s going on in your life. The message is ” You are accepted here and don’t need to fear when you walk through the doors.”

Rachel, You are the embodiment of Joy!

Rachel, not in costume, with my hen!
Rachel, not in costume, with my hen!








Nashville Neighborhoods and Perfect Porches

Nashville Music City is a thriving entertainment mecca with a twist.….laid back neighborhoods, family friendly houses, gardens and the most perfect porches and “porch life” atmosphere !thumb_IMG_0168_1024A rented writer’s bungalow in East Nashville (from Air BnB) gave us a chance to see what the Nashville pace is like in the neighborhoods rather than in a hotel downtown. We enjoyed our rocking chairs at night by porch light while our son played guitar for us. thumb_IMG_9796_1024


We watched a neighbor paint his garage door. We heard the neighbor across the street talk about “moonshining” while we listened to his wind chimes.our rented bungalow porch

On our morning walks, we were surprised to see so many people enjoying their porches and interacting with each other. Many houses had baby swings, kiddie pools, big veggie gardens and other family friendly items.thumb_IMG_0176_1024There were so many diverse styles of architecture….thumb_IMG_0161_1024bungalows, Victorian houses, craftsman, southwestern….thumb_IMG_0178_1024

thumb_IMG_0179_1024colorful exteriors…


fun furniture and pleasant landscaping…thumb_IMG_0148_1024

thumb_IMG_0173_1024When we wondered why so many people were still at home enjoying their porches in the morning , we asked a barista who confirmed my theory. A big percentage of Nashville residents have art related jobs; musicians, artists, chefs, etc….and they work a lot at night. There were many joggers in the hipster neighborhood where we stayed. Every morning, we saw them in the neighborhood coffee shops. I also observed that Nashville is home to many, many tattoos! Large tattoos decorated the bodies of many males and females.thumb_IMG_0151_1024Every porch was unique….thumb_IMG_0147_1024Staying in a neighborhood rather than a hotel allowed us to see this artistic expression of the various residents. In a city that features Broadway street, Gulch district and Music Row, the neighborhoods of Nashville were a pleasant surprise!thumb_IMG_0182_1024We found out that approximately 100 people (on average) per day are moving to Nashville for retirement purposes and other reasons. The latter makes sense because of the entertainment industry and other attractive reasons. Nashville represents America and Americana very well….and it’s no wonder Justin Timberlake (a Tennessee native) is so grounded and cool. Go to Nashville…..slow down….chill out….listen to the guitar by porchlight and the wind chimes by day. And enjoy those perfect porches!

Canning and Pickling Veggies!

My glamorous friends invited me over one Saturday afternoon to watch them pickle and can vegetables. How fun it was to go from a ladies night dinner and birthday celebration at an elegant restaurant  on one night to a simple Saturday afternoon (the next day) of canning.  Cutting, pickling and canning vegetables and walking through the host’s impressive garden was an earthy activity and I admire my two friends’ ability to share diverse interests.  One of my friends brought her darling teenage daughter along for the fun experience. We all share in common that we have gardens but this canning experience was fairly new to us. I’ve made homemade salsa before but I haven’t canned or pickled so I’m excited to have a recipe to share, too.

Where did you get the idea to do this?

My husband has done this before.  His relatives in Arkansas were farmers and he spent summers there.thumb_IMG_0733_1024



Does canning mean it becomes a salsa?


No, it is more like pickles. It has vinegar, water and spices….it’s pickling more than it is true canning.  I’m using peppers from my garden in this canning recipe. My bell peppers have grown in pots rather than in the ground. (She showed me her garden of various veggies and herbs).


My herbs are doing great this summer but my tomatoes are probably going to bloom this fall.

I have sage, thyme and a load of mint. My banana peppers have gone crazy and grown well. I’ve  had  cucumbers, tomatoes, etc…thumb_IMG_0739_1024

scooping out the seeds
scooping out the seeds
draining the veggies
draining the veggies


adding the vinegar to pickle it
adding the vinegar to pickle it

What is the pickling process?

Vinegar and pickling spices (in this packet) are the ingredients. I have spicy and plain seasoning. The bottles came in a box with lids. (cans are actually bottles in this case).

arranging them before the pickling
arranging them before the pickling
banana peppers

(She drained the vegetables, warmed up the pickling recipe and warmed up the jars so it’s not a “shock” to the glass when you put the in the ingredients .)


1  1/3 cups of white distilled vinegar,

7 1/3 cups water,

1 pouch of Mrs. Wages Kosher Dill Pickle Mix ( from True Value)

How fun it was to go from one night of a formal atmosphere to the next afternoon of casual gardening and canning with my well rounded friends!

….Variety is the spice of life!

Wine Tour of Italy

My lovely, enthusiastic, artsy-crafty and driven friend went on a most unique wine tour of Italy. We nicknamed ourselves “Yin and Yang” when we co-taught Sunday School, co-advised youth group and raised kids the same age through birthday parties, milestones, Greek Festivals and Greek School. My energetic and inspired friend loves to travel. I marvel at how she pursues hobbies and interests. From taking her Girl Scouts troop to Costa Rica to taking personal Spanish lessons (and much, much more), my friend embodies the spirit of adventure that I look for in interviewees for She recently attended a wine tour of Italy.rebecca 8

Did you have a favorite winery on this trip?

Cavaliere (Rosso Toscano)–which is where your bottle came from (a gift from her). They had olive oil, too. I have no photos from that wine tasting–that’s how good it was! The vineyard/ winery was like being in “Grandma’s kitchen”. It was two sisters on a small vineyard and they gave cooking classes on how to cook Italian foods. Americans mess up Italian food because they make it heavy and rich.Rebecca 6

I agree! You don’t taste the flavors because you’re inundated with the sauce.

Right! To really taste Italian food, you need to meet the people, see where it’s grown, learn how it’s grown and experience their day to day lives.

We went down into the wine cellar with them and they invited us back to work the harvest in November. In getting there, we were on a tour bus going back into someone’s back country. It was eerie and I thought, “Where are we going??” It felt like the edge of the earth. It was rainy with a misty haze all over the ground. We reached the quaint house and it was there that they taught us to make tiramisu. You could taste the coffee and cognac in it. We learned how to make lasagna and they even accommodated the people with gluten and vegetarian issues. The soft mozzarella cheese and cut-up, fine arugula was blended into the cheese. We cut out pears and filled them up with this cheese. It was heavenly! I’ve made it since I’ve been back.

a cooking class
a cooking class–making tiramisu

You appreciate the product more when you find out it’s homegrown and homemade.

Yes….and when in Italy…..drink wine! I bought the wine there but ended up drinking the 1/2 case on the trip. (laughter)… We had amazing pork in the Chianti area with Chianti wine, of course. There were ghostly vineyards that day. Every morning, my roommate and I took morning “selfies” with something different in the background. The itinerary took us through: Florence, Siena, San Gimignano, Chianti area, Cinque Terre, Lucca and Pisa. Bagno Vignoni, Montalcino, Pienza and Rome. Florence was our home base which we went back and forth to every day. Florence is nice but I loved all the small villages best. In Siena, I loved the door knockers. rebecca 1The Chianti area had a town square with a really quaint village and amazing cheese. In Oklahoma, we have cornfields off the highway but in Italy, they have vineyards. I learned that the Cypress trees are imported; not indigenous to the area.

An interesting feature there was an artist’s studio in an old castle. There was a kids’ playhouse that had a theater there and an atrium area with an interior well where they drew the water.  Receptions were held in the castle and there were frescoes on the walls, as well as an outdoor courtyard. A bleached oak table with the names of wines burned into it (like branded) was unique. I want to remake that table. I also learned that they plant roses and lavender to attract bees. The winemakers plant it because they want to see if a fungus hits the roses first to examine what might hit the grapes. They see what’s coming to the grapes to know if their crops will be damaged. The lavender fields help the bees pollinate.rebecca 16

Cinque Terre is the coastal area where the naval fleet and port is. There is a monorail there for the grapes to ride. This helps the farmers harvest because everything is planted on cliffs.

Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre

One interesting feature was an angel structure. It was built for the angel’s wings to flap and it was someone’s job to go up there and flap them. Lucca has narrow streets and a tight roofline. Their town mascot is a panther; kinda gargoyle-looking….Their signage on storefronts are mostly in English. Did you notice that when you were there?

No, but it’s probably because Italy is the #1 visited destination. So, they cater to their customers with the universality of English language.

There was a church we went to  during one of the saint’s days.  Saint Zita was the “Housekeepers’ Saint”. They had her mummy there and I have an icon of her. The story is that she would steal from her employers and hide things in her apron. When they accused her, she would open her pockets and say, “No, look, I’m bringing you flowers!” Whatever she had in her apron transformed into flowers. When she died, she did not decompose. She’s there in the glass case and we visited her. People visiting her would bring her flowers. They’ve turned the outside into a marketplace where you can buy flowers.

The food was amazing in Luca. We had a bone-in-pork meal. Pisa’s main attraction is the leaning tower. In Pisa, we learned about the classes of people at that time and how the church allocated money at that time to protect things.  Back at our hotel that night, we did a tour of the old castle hotel and the old wine barrels. Rebecca 5

We did a tasting in the hotel where we stayed and met the owner’s family. The other hotel, outside of town, was more yoga-based. On our last day in the Florence area, we headed into the other cities. In Bagno VIgnoni, people used to go there to take warm mineral baths. There was not alot of architecture or busy atmosphere. I loved the big clocks in every town. From there, we went to Montalcino where there was a contest of wines with different labels. I found a label that looked like me! (and took a picture, facetiously)Rebecca 2

I found a bottle of wine as old as Liz (her daughter). The food there was amazing. We left that area and moved onto Pienza where there was a cheese factory—all organic. The sheep just roam there where there are no pesticides. It was a small family- owned business. We had a tasting there and tried the cheese. At our last night in Florence, we had a dinner at the top of a hill where I saw two baby deer. We packed up and drove to Rome. There was jasmine growing there that reminded me of your dad. ( I asked him for advice and he’s told me three or four times through the years how not to kill it.)

In Rome, my roommate did a walking tour and I went with the tour guides into the city. I liked the fountains everywhere in Rome. The bottom of the fountains have drinkable water for dogs and the upper fountains are for people. You can refill your water bottles with the fountain water, according to the tour guides.

Rebecca 12

We went to a show at night with theatrical Italian singing. Our first morning in Rome, we saw the Vatican, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Square and Coliseum. We had free time afterwards. I loved Rome! Although it’s a city and not one of the little towns…I loved it.

It’s clean, organized and well laid out. I wish other capital cities took Rome’s example.

Yes, it is clean. They know you’re a tourist and they do herd you through. While touring, it was interesting to find out that the world maps they drew hundreds of years ago are correct down to the centimeter. If you “Google Earthed” it, it is exact down to the centimeter! I bought a leather jacket from a store and was able to meet the designer! rebecca 10In Rome, we walked around to people-watch. Later that day we had a wine tasting with a sommelier who instructed us on wine with food pairings.

How did you find this travel agent?

rebecca 17
Regina Snead

Regina Snead and I talked about Kris Radish’s book event and that’s how I found the Wine Madonna. I’ve been reading Kris Radish books for several years and I receive her newsletter. I’ve messaged her about some of the books I’ve read and how certain things touched me. Her book retreats revolve around her books and she has a book club for women only. The books are empowering and about life stories. I received a newsletter from her about a trip and book. She guided us to get with Regina Snead, our travel agent, to make arrangements. I was put on a waiting list, originally. In January, I learned a spot had opened up for me. She paired me with a roommate. I asked several relatives if they wanted to go but it didn’t work out for them so I went by myself. I thought it was going to be for 2017 but it was for this year, 2016! Right before my son’s graduation from high school and my daughter’s graduation from college.


Marco Lori- Italian Master Sommelier

(Celtic Tours coordinated everything)

rebecca 4

Maybe it was meant to be!–for closure…before graduation. How did this trip enrich you?

Yes! The best thing about traveling is experiencing the culture, food, people, architecture and history of an area but I always think it’s important to remember what’s going on in your backyard at home and explore there, too. We all share the same air! Don’t forget what you have at hand, at home and don’t take what  you have for granted.