Scotland was an unforgettable place! The history and the scenery was a magical backdrop to a quest for knowledge and adventure. What child wouldn’t be thrilled with the exploration of a castle, a pasture, a children’s museum or going to the Loch Ness in search of the traces of the Loch Ness monster?

Researching Scotland with my sons ahead of time was key to enjoying it even more while we were there. We prepared questions for our guide who took us through the historic sites of Robert the Bruce.

We usually buy one or two guidebooks from the gift shops of various museums or excursions which help us remember the high points of the places we visited. It’s not necessary to buy too many, but one or two help serve as visual aids for book reports or presentations the kids might do for school.

When we stayed at Cromlix House, on 2,000 acres, it reminded us of the Professor’s house in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe of the Chronicles of Narnia series—or how I pictured that house to look. When you turned a corner down a hallway, you’d open a door and find a study—and that’s where our sons were playing chess.

The warmth of the den with plaid decorated furniture was intoxicating and practically put you to sleep—especially with the scent of the star gazer lilies on the center table. Cromlix House even had its own chapel! Celebrities have held their weddings there. It was quite beautiful and the grounds were magical–full of sheep grazing, hidden gardens, majestic trees and that misty Scottish weather.

Suggested reading:
- The Story of Scotland–by Brassey and Ross
- If You Were Me and Lived in …..Scotland by Roman
- Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Scotland–by Hayland and Adams
- The History of Scotland For Children by Fiona MacDonald
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