My dear friends moved abroad in 1982-1986 to Saudi Arabia and had quite an adventure! When I was in middle school, I befriended this amazing family in my church and not only got to be a “mother’s helper” babysitter- friend but ended up forging friendships for life with these beautiful and spirited sisters. There are 4 of them total but at the time I first got to know them, there were only three. You’ve heard of the American Girl dolls. Well, along with my little cousins, I also had these real, live, Greek-American girl dolls to play with, mentor, and nurture. Not only were they entertaining and adorable but their parents have always been influential role models to me in so many ways. Their sense of adventure is apparent in this story. I’ve been wanting to interview Athena and Andrea for years. Once we conducted the interview, I realized why they have such wonderful personalities and perspectives….it’s because they are very worldly!

Why did your family move to Saudi Arabia?
My grandparents owned a business which was a trading company. We moved because my dad got a job over there with them.
How old were you?
Athena: I was in Kindergarten.
Andrea: I was four.
How long were you there?
Athena: Until 5th grade.
Andrea: 4.5 years.
This was between the years 1982-1986 which is why you guys didn’t know about The Outsiders movie!
Right. haha…
We talked about your impression of Saudi Arabia…
Andrea: I was a little disappointed in how they treated women. When I say “a little”, I mean “alot.”
You could tell that from 7 years old?
Andrea: Yes. Women couldn’t drive and had to be covered from head to toe.
So you were a feminist at 7 years old?
Andrea: haha…yes.
You had really glowing remarks to say about Saudi the other day, Athena.
Athena: Yes! I loved it. We had a chauffeur and a houseboy to clean for us. It was like being pampered. He always made our bed (a Phillipino guy named Ray). He was like our best friend, houseboy and did everything for us.
And you had a driver waiting outside for you?
Athena: Yes!
To take you where?
Athena: Wherever we wanted to go….to the supermarket, the souk, school, our friends’ compounds where we played.

What do you remember about your school experience, cuisine, culture?
Both sisters: We went to a school with over 60 different countries and we had English teachers from England. The school was a British private school called Continental. Their girl scout troop went on a field trip to Wadi Fatima. (A Wadi is an oasis.)

What is your favorite memory of Saudi Arabia?
Athena: I made a best friend over there from Japan named Jessica. We had a bond and I’m still in contact with some friends.

Favorite memory? Worst memory?
Athena: Worst memory — There was a little boy who I guess liked me but he used to tie my dress to the bike rack and I hated that. My friend Jessica or my sisters untied my dress but I remember thinking, “Get away from me.”
Was he from Saudi?
Athena: No, I think he was from England.
Were you on an American base?
Andrea: No, we lived in a 3 story villa surrounded by a huge metal gate. Each story of the villa was a separate home. (Athena recalled that one of the stories was a flat room they could ride bikes on.)

Why did you go to Greece for 3 months?
Our passports were expired and our grandfather got us through security in Saudi and took us to Greece to renew our passports. It took a while.
Where did you live in Greece?
Andrea: We didn’t really….we traveled all over Europe and lived in hotels .
You weren’t based in Greece?
Do you have a favorite country in Europe while traveling?
Athena: France. I remember the Anne Frank museum we went to. It was scarring and sad and I remember the pictures on the wall.
Andrea: I think Greece…..the Acropolis, skiing on Mt. Parnassus….. We were there in the winter.
How many countries have you been to while over there?
I’m not sure. We also got to see Haley’s Comet in the desert of Saudi Arabia. 1986? It was totally black and you could see the comet very clearly.

If you could take away one enriching thing from your experiencing traveling abroad, what would it be?
Andrea: We traveled all over the world, Asia, Egypt, Europe.
Athena: Going to Continental School in Saudi…with 60 different countries. Being able to appreciate everyone’s difference and nationalities, foods…
Athena reminisced, “Looking back on my years in Saudi Arabia, I realize how lucky we were to have adventurous parents who were willing to take three small children with them traveling the world. It was an experience of a lifetime to live in Saudi Arabia and so enriching to be exposed to so many cultures.”
Thank you for sharing! I love the pictures! Such wonderful experiences and we are blessed to have you at Holy Trinity.