I found pages of travel tips in my journals. Writing them while ON a trip was practical….while everything was still fresh in my mind. Traveling wears many people out because they don’t like getting inconvenienced by the little details and they miss certain amenities of being home. Once a traveler gets over this hurdle, they will learn to be over prepared and power through the most intense of itineraries.
keep a journal
pack wet wipes
pack a roll of toilet paper in your daily backpack. You won’t always find toilet paper in the public restrooms
pack baggies to store things in, like dirty flip flops, toiletries, sandy swim gear, dirty clothes if you are in between laundry loads
baggies for packing breakables
pack bubblewrap and duct tape ahead of time….useful for wrapping souvenirs
save museum stubs—they are pretty and make good bookmarks, etc.

ask for bargains and discounts, especially on bulk shopping
pack or buy duffels to store inside your suitcase. Once you fill this with souvenirs, you can check it through at the airport
buy suntan lotion, sunscreen, and saline solution in America and pack it in your bags that you check through–not your carry on.