Traveling is not always glamorous, comfortable and luxurious. It’s definitely not always easy. BUT IT’S SO WORTH IT! And the challenging moments you share as a family strengthen your family bond and teach your children tremendous skills:
resting up in the port of Igoumenitsa until the rental car agency opens - patience
- people skills
- curiosity
- negotiation
- critical thinking
- and much more!
Our overnight ferry boat ride from Bari, Italy to Greece arrived in the wee hours of the morning. The glitch with that is that the rental car agency didn’t open until 9:00 a.m. YIKES! We hung out in the port station until the agency opened. (6:30 am.- 9 am!) The boys, being the troopers they are, played with a massage chair and I caught some shut eye since I didn’t sleep well on the ferry boat.
We had rented a family cabin on the ferry that had 4 bunk beds and the boys slept fine…but not MOM! I didn’t know my husband took this photo above but it’s funny to see now.

There’s a lot of waiting around sometimes for transportation connections. There will be glitches with flights, rooms, transportation, etc….but the good far outweighs the bad and there’s always something delightful around each corner. One disappointment we experienced was when our tour guide in Rome told us that we would not be visiting the Sistine Chapel because its was a Sunday (and it was closed).
We did not know ahead of time that it would not be open for viewing on a Sunday. This was truly upsetting to me as a mom because I wanted my sons to see that so badly as it was a trip highlight for me as a child. But, you also have to teach your kids to roll with it… I had to be aware that my sons were observing my behavior and reactions to this bad news, too.